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Creating fields

This tutorial will help you create fields for your forms and explain each type of these fields.

Once you have created the form, the next step is to create fields for it.


1 - Display Name

As with the forms, the first step in creating a field is to assign a Display Name. This name should allow an easy identification of what the field is, since it is the name shown to the user.

2 - Field's Name

This name will be automatically filled in with a name like the one assigned to Display Name, for easy identification in the database. This name will only be seen by the user through the database. It cannot contain special characters or capital letters.

3 - Field's Type

The last step in creating a field is choosing the type of field. In this tutorial some of the available fields will be covered.

  • checkbox
  • color
  • date
  • text


The checkbox type allows you to select a value that is 0 or 1 (true or false).

Using the form Car as an example, we could create a checkbox type field called New, which would determine whether the car is new or not.

field2.png field3.png


The color type allows you to select a color through a javascript pop-up.

field4.png campos5.png


The type date creates a pop-ip jquery of date selection.

field6.png campos7.png


The text type creates a simple text input.

