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Data Setup


With Netuno the development of the applications goes first through the construction of the database, through the construction of the forms and fields.

And when you work as a team or need to move the application development to another environment, you need to create a backup of the database accompanied by the code.

Thus at the destination it will be necessary to reconfigure the database and so the application can be run as it was developed at its source.

The problem with this process is the effort of always remembering to create a new backup every time there is a change in the database. And the more people involved in development and/or the more environments there are to publish the application, the more complicated this process becomes.

So Netuno to solve this problem brings a system of application setup, where it automatically generates the structure of the database (schema), and additionally allows the loading of the initial data to be programmed manually through additional scripts.

It also allows you to change the type of database server ensuring that setup will run normally and the application without any problems. This means that the application can be developed on H2DataBase and with the automatically generated schemas so you may be able to change the database connection of the application to PostgreSQL or MariaDB. On the first run of the application over the new database everything will be reconstructed, regardless of the change of database server type.

It then allows the database to be completely changed without having any impact on the development already carried out.

The setup program files are inside the application folder on:

  • server/setup

Setup configuration in applications

In the environment settings of the applications that remain in:

  • /apps/MY_APP/config/_development.json
  • /apps/MY_APP/config/_production.json

You will be able to manipulate the setup behavior through the settings:

"setup": {
"enabled": true,
"schema": {
"auto_create": true,
"execution": true
"scripts": {
"execution": true
enabled: boolean | default true

Defines whether the setup is active or not, and so enables or disables the execution of data setup operations the first time the application is run.

schema.auto_create: boolean | default true

Allows Netuno to know whether or not to generate the database schema files whenever any form or field is created or changed.

schema.execution: boolean | default true

Controls whether or not the schema should be executed during the setup operations performed on the first run of the application.

scripts.execution: boolean | default true

Enables or disables the execution of additional scripts during setup operations performed on the first run of the application.


During the creation or modification of the forms and fields in Netuno web interface the schema files will be generated within the setup folder as follows:


Where there should be a _schema-***.js file for each form in the application.

These files should not be changed manually because they are generated automatically by Netuno.

Therefore, if you change the content of these files, in a next generation of the schemas they will be replaced automatically and the changes made directly to the files will be lost.

For the automatic generation of the database schema to be executed you must make sure that the schema.auto_create configuration is active, and that the setup folder exists within the server folder.


Custom code scripts are files located in the setup folder that do not start with _.

The main purpose of these scripts is to load the data ensuring that the database contains the minimum information necessary for the correct functioning of the application.

So when the application is reconfigured in another environment it will be automatically loaded with the initial data and ready to start being used.

To perform these data loading operations you must use the functions of resource _db.

The scripts are executed after the schemas are executed.


And, to save the trouble of performing database queries, to check whether or not data insert can be done, Netuno provides the insertIfNotExists function.

This function checks whether the data exists exactly as it is defined in the database, if it does not then creates it.

An example of its use is to load the fields Code and Name of the form Type of Territory, where the name of the table is type_territory and has the columns code and name, for this it will be enough to create the file MY_APP/server/setup/type.js with the following content:

_db.insertIfNotExists("type_territory", _val.init()
.set("code", "1001")
.set("name", "Portugal Continental")
_db.insertIfNotExists("type_territory", _val.init()
.set("code", "1002")
.set("name", "Madeira")
_db.insertIfNotExists("type_territory", _val.init()
.set("code", "1003")
.set("name", "Açores")

Processing Cycle

As previously explained, setup is only executed on the first run of the application.

And it's execution order is:

  1. _start - runs the start file located on:: ..MY_APP/server/setup/_start.js
  2. netuno_db - executes the creation of the Tables, Fields and loading of data required for the operation of Netuno in a database, that is, all the tables that start with: ..netuno_***
  3. _schema-* - Executes all schemas scripts, which are the scripts that start with _schema-, which contains for example the commands for creating the forms, reports and fields, in: ..MY_APP/server/setup/_schema-\*\*\*.js
  4. scripts - executes the custom scripts files, which are all script files that do not start with _ and will probably contain the inserts of initial data needed, for example: ..MY_APP/server/setup/meu-script-com-inserts.js
  5. _end - executes the end file that's on: ..MY_APP/server/setup/_end.js

That is, it is allowed to create custom code in the start and end scripts to perform some operations that make sense to be executed before the setup or even when it is completed.

It is important to emphasize that this processing cycle is executed every time the application is run for the first time, which is why it is necessary to make sure of the existence of then data before it is created.

Make sure the following environmental settings are active to allow this process to run in the MY_APP/config/_development.json or MY_APP/config/_production.json files depending on the environment:

  • Enables or disables completely the execution of any setup operation: ..setup.enabled = true|false
  • Enables or disables the execution of _schemas-: ..setup.schema.execution = true|false
  • Enables or disables the execution of scripts: ..setup.scripts.execution = true|false


The setup process of applications in Netuno has as main functions:

  • netuno_db: ensures that the tables and fields required for Netuno to operate are well defined in the database that is being run.
  • _schema-: automatically generates the entire structure of forms and reports with their respective fields, which allows you to ensure the entire consistency of the structure of the application database, especially when the application is run with a new empty database.
  • scripts: perform database operations to ensure that the application contains the mandatory data previously loaded each time it is run for the first time.

This way Netuno allows applications to work in new environments, even if you change the type of database, ensuring the correct operation of the application without the need to perform backups and restore of the database.

Additionally allowing all automatically and manually generated configuration code to be versioned with GIT, for example.