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With Netuno you can create Web Services and build any kind of complex APIs REST.

Services (Web Services) are used to perform online data integration, where one web system can exchange information with another.

It also provide data to the frontend (web pages) asynchronously, allowing the frontend to load the visual part of the web page faster and then get the dynamic information through integration with services (Web Services).

As will not wait for the whole page to load instead the server will quickly send the structure of the page that will be presented and processed dynamic data gradually, delivering the best User Experience.

The Editor​

To create a service on Netuno you will need a code editor.

Is recommended Visual Studio Code as is a freeware source-code editor, fast, quite simple and intuitive.

However, if you choose any other code editor it will work in a similar way.

How to Open Demo Application​

In Visual Studio Code by clicking on the left on the first file where you have the option Open Folder.

Browse the file system to the folder where you have Netuno installed.

Inside the Netuno root folder find the folder:

  • πŸ“‚ /apps/demo

And when then inside the folder demo click on Open.

Note that the folder and file structure of the application demo has been loaded on the left-hand side.

Creating a Service​

The services are processed by the server, so to create a service you must expand the folders and go to the folder:

  • πŸ“‚ server/services

Now just right-click on the πŸ“‚ services folder and choose the New File option.

The name of the new file should be πŸ“‚ workers.js, we will create a service with JavaScript.

All you need to do now is to Code our service, which will be as below:

*** Formats the past object in JSON and performs its output.
const dbRecords = _db.query(`
SELECT DISTINCT, SUM(DATEDIFF(HOUR, record.start, record.end)) AS total
FROM worker INNER JOIN record
ON = record.worker_id
WHERE = true AND = true

const list = _val.list();

for (const dbRecord of dbRecords) {
.set("name", dbRecord.getString("name"))
.set("total", dbRecord.getInt("total"))


The _db.query receives a string with a database query and performs its execution by transforming the obtained data into a list of objects of type key/value, i.e. column/data.

The _out.json performs the output (data output) for the browser type ContentType: application/json and formats the past object to be structured as an object JSON.

Run the Service​

To run the service just open in the browser the address of the service that was created which will be:

In this case we recommend the Firefox browser because it allows a better visualization of the JSON object.