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Relate Data

Create Relationship Between Data

In the previous stage, you have created your task management, however as you can see only manages a small isolated list of tasks.

For this reason, our next step will be to know if an employee has done a task and the time spent on the same task.

You will need to co-relate Tasks with the Record and their hours/time spend.

Selecting Field Type

Clicking on "Build" after that going to the form field management "Record" you will create a new field where the the settings of the "Display Name" should be Task.

The configuration Name was set automatically with task, however you should add _id as suffix as the following example:

task + _id = task_id.

Please Note

The Name should always end with: _id as good practice, also to make relationships distinct, significant, and easier to be naming.

At Type settings will choose the select option.

Please select it as "Not Null" as this field is mandatory i.e. just clicking on Not Null as it is important to know what the employee has done at the time schedule.

As will be more records for the same Task, the Primary Key option should be OFF.

The "Column" must be filled with the value 1 and the Line with the value 2, as this new Task field has to show before the fields date and time.

Note that this type of field has a specific criteria of the Data Relatioship

1.Click on Add;

2.Click on the task the option that shows in the open window;

3.Click on the name;

4.Close the window.

The Link will be defined with the value task:name.

Which means it will related to the present task table showing some information in the collumn name.

Click Save when you finish.