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Netuno will start with the deafult version installation.

Other versions of Netuno can be installed and also can be upgraded for new versions.

Version Installation

All Netuno versions are available in:

Pick your version and follow the steps described in the release notes.

Follow the command below to update to the specific version. Note that has to add (version) to the installation command.

For example:

java -jar netuno-setup.jar install version=20230417.0119

Or using the main executor in the current installation:

./netuno install version=20230417.0119

Or using netuno.jar directly:

java -jar netuno.jar install version=20230417.0119

Change the version's argument to the version that you wnat to isntall.

Netuno will start the upgrade process installing the indicated version.

See below the list of available versions.

Available Versions

All Netuno versions are available in:

Legacy versions (before open-source)

These versions won't be available after 2022, please update your Netuno to the latest open-source version.


Major performance improvements with the resolution of memory leakage with GraalVM, resulting in low memory and CPU consumption overall, more on:

More convenient dev user access recovery.

The conflict of multiselect fields on forms with the _db.insert command has been resolved.

The File object has the new changeName method.

The integration issues with RabbitMQ for RPC-like queues have been solved.

Visual Studio Code Server has been experimentally integrated, for example just add the parameter code when starting the Netuno server when developing a specific app:

  • ./netuno server app=myapp code.

The JWT Conflict with Sessions has also been resolved.


_user and _group have better error reporting when used without authentication.

_env has the new sleep method.

_server has the new shutdown method.


The applications are now in the apps folder in Netuno's root directory, they will automatically be moved from ./web/apps to ./apps.

Improved overall execution errors and added better file and line indication.

New ./netuno stats command to view the latest hardware consumption metrics.

Fixed issue on MacOS that made bin-unix scripts fail to detect Netuno's server port number.

Started cross support for WebSockets.

Several overall performance improvements.

The File class has the new isFile and isFolder methods, the InputStream with the new readAllAndClose method, the OutputStream with the new writeAndClose and writeFileAndClose methods, support for the fluent interface directly available in the resources: _app, _storage and _os.

Improved database connection failure errors.


New _cors resource to easily manipulate CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing).

New _server resource that provides information and future interactions with the server.

New experimental resource _rabbitmq, for integrations with RabbitMQ, it currently supports RPC and Work queues.

Resource _xml with transform, save and output.

Resource _smtp supports setting the subtype of multipart, default is mixed.


Remote now supports setting the urlPrefix parameter as an alternative to url to avoid mistakes.

The server now supports an identification name configuration, can be used in communications and is obtained by the _server resource.

The server now experimentally supports the configuration of a folder to store sessions on disk.

In the applications, configuration of CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) sources and headers is now supported along with the new _cors resource.


Supports the new GraalVM 21.

Search in Forms

When editing or even deleting a record the page is kept in the search.


Fixed the problem when entering data with pre-defined ID.


When authentication (_auth) with JWT receives an OPTIONS call (CORS/Preflight) it returns 200 OK.

The _auth service when authenticated by JWT returns the refresh token expiration time: refresh_expires_in.


The supports cells with errors.

The _random supports a new initialization with a string of symbols, letters and/or numbers, which should be used when generating random strings, can be redefined later in the same initialized object.

The _user supports searching directly by username and e-mail.

When _user or _group is created it returns the ID, and returns boolean in case of update and delete.

The _mail supports adding attachments in inline mode.

Setup Scripts

When exporting data form through code generation, in development mode it avoids the blank values of date (time), timestamp and time (time).

Download Manual (GraalVM 21.0.0)



Items entered with MultiSelect become active.

In data management with the popup of relations with other forms the issue that caused the loss of the context of the main record and allowed the management of other unrelated data will be resolved.

Image Fields and Files now automatically remove old files to avoid wasting disk space.


With data manipulation functions such as _db.update, _db.insert, _db.delete and others can be manipulate all fields and records without form validations.

The allows you to turn off auto-generated wildcards allowing to perform exact searches, also _db.insertIfNotExists checks better for existing records.

Support for MSSQLSRV (Microsoft SQL Server) instances added.

Data objects of type Values have new functions to get SQL types such as date, timestamp and time.


The _remote feature allows you to use addresses with invalid certificates and in the response returns the URL that was used.

New _monitor feature allows you to get hardware performance data.


The server-side scripts for apps have been simplified, like the configuration and startup scripts.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.3.0)


Monitor and Alerts

Performance monitoring lets you trigger alerts. Also:

  • Better calculations and demonstration of CPU and memory in logs.
  • Processes occupied and available disk space.
Installation and Upgrade

./update script to perform the Upgrade.

Checks GraalVM version and updates if necessary.

Removes obsolete jars in web/WEB-INF/lib.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.3.0)


Open API

It is possible to extend the schema definition with scripts, allowing for example the creation of constraints with allowed values which can be obtained and updated with the database.


Resource _db supports batch execution it allows to schedule this execution by multiple consecutive database operations such as update, insert and delete.


New search functionality that allows you to select multiple records to disable or mass delete.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.2.0)


Evolved improvements in the clone of apps that allows better customization throughout the process and also better replication control with CockroachDB.

Fixed memory leak with files that were left open.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.1.0)


Jetty version upgrade and HTTP2 support added.

Integration with HikariCP - DB Connection Pool, better database connection management.


The management of groups (_group) and users (_user) with the new firstByName and createIfNotExists functions.

The operating system resource, _os, with new functions for managing files (file) and folders (folder).

The _storage resource has a new function for processing folders (folder).

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.1.0)


Improvements in CRON Jobs.

Supports the installation for ARM.


Automatisms to facilitate programming in the manipulation of files and folders, with recursive copy and delete.

Optimizations of Remote and implemented support for binary download.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.1.0)


Supports the customization of the default translation texts in the apps.

Optimization of CRON Jobs.

Controls to manage the export of forms in different formats and new export of data in the script to automate database loading.

The implemented mechanism automatically clears the context of scripts, to avoid conflicts with service scripts with form action scripts in database.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.0.0)


Memory performance optimizations in general.

Evolution of the mapping of apps with domains (host), and customization of URL prefixes, such as services, admin and public

New hardware performance monitor.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.0.0)



Resource _db added findFirst method.


For the definition of the properties new types were created:

  • string-not-empty
  • array-not-empty
  • id
  • uid

Updating NPM packages and restructuring React, containers and components in ui.

Download Manual (GraalVM 20.0.0)

2002 to March 2020

Please Note

From version 1 to version 6 have been discontinued and are no longer distributed.

From version 7 the compiled versions are no longer distributed until March 2020.

Please install the latest versions available above.