📄️ App
General application parameters.
📄️ Auth
Gathers Netuno's authentication operations, providers, encryption, and others.
📄️ Component
Manage the execution of the components (represent 1 or more fields) that are integrated into the automatically generated forms.
📄️ Config
With the Config feature you can share information during processing and you can access your parameters at any time during the life cycle's order.
📄️ Convert
Application data type converter.
Controls the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
📄️ Cron
Recourse to scheduling of periodic executions.
📄️ Crypto
Algoritmos de encriptação de dados.
📄️ CSV
Processes CSV type files.
📄️ DB
Datasource loading resource.
📄️ Env
Allows you to consult the development environment that is configured in the config.js file which is found in the root of Netuno.
📄️ Error
Generating general application errors and categorizing the severity of the error with the types:
📄️ Exec
Functionalities to aid code execution.
📄️ Firebase
Recurso de comunicação com o Firebase.
📄️ Form
Application form generator programmatically.
📄️ FTP
FTP client feature.
📄️ Group
Management of the application groups and obtaining the authenticated user's group data.
📄️ Header
HTTP header management feature.
Enables greater ease in manipulating HTML code, uses JSOUP.
📄️ Image
Recurso manipulação de imagens.
Mailbox query capability through IMAP.
📄️ Jasper
Recurso de geração de rápida de relatórios.
📄️ Jwt
Recurso de geração de JSON Web Tokens.
📄️ Lang
Recurso de atribuição de linguagem.
📄️ Log
Resource for obtaining application logs.
📄️ Monitor
It allows to obtain the performance data.
📄️ OS
Performs the execution of commands in the operating system, manipulation of files and folders.
📄️ Out
Response feature to HTTP requests.
Recurso de exportação de ficheiros PDF.
📄️ RabbitMQ
Integração com o RabbitMQ.
📄️ Random
Geração de valores aleatórios.
📄️ Remote
Recurso de invocação remota de APIs.
📄️ Form
Application reports generator programmatically.
📄️ Req
Recurso de obtenção de dados dos pedidos HTTP.
📄️ Res
Recurso de manipulação da resposta HTTP.
📄️ Server
Interacts with the server and obtains configuration parameters specified in config.js, which is in Netuno root folder.
📄️ Setup
Recurso de configuração dos componentes da aplicação.
Feature of sending e-mail by SMTP.
📄️ SSH
Feature to connect, transfer files and execute commands via SSH.
📄️ Storage
Recursos de gestão de ficheiros da aplicação.
📄️ Template
Recurso de gestão de templates.
📄️ Time
Gestão de dados temporal baseada no java.time.
📄️ Uid
Gerador de unique identifier descriptor (uid).
📄️ Url
Recurso de gestão de URLs da aplicação.
📄️ User
Management of the users of the application and obtaining the data of the authenticated user.
📄️ Val
Resource to interact with lists or maps with keys and values (dictionaries).
📄️ WebSocket
Management of connections and communication with customers.
📄️ XLS
Create and read Excel files, support for XLS files as XLSX files.
📄️ XML
Este recurso utiliza o mecanismo nativo do Java para criar e interpretar XML, baseado no javax.xml e no org.w3c.dom.