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Pages & Routers


When the web application gets complex or when it's a website, developing pages will be a very common need.

It is possible to create the page mechanism with the React Router, when developing with ReactJS.


Make sure you have installed the React Router module in the website folder:

npm install -S react-router-dom 

Also from Ant.Design, which will be used to develop the general structure:

npm install -S antd

In the App.js file which is found in the src folder of the ReactJS application, ie website/src, add the modules import as πŸ‘‡:

import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
Switch, Route, Link
} from "react-router-dom";

import { Layout, Menu } from 'antd';

After imports add the constants:

const { Header, Footer, Content } = Layout;

const { SubMenu } = Menu;

The return of the App component in this initial phase can be as follows:

  return (
<Menu mode="horizontal">
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Route path="/">

React Router components are structured with the Ant.Design page structure components.

The Link component points to /, which will load the Route associated with the path path="/".

Developing New Webpages​

The pages stay in separate components, each page is represented by its own component in ReactJS.

Best practice is to place page components inside a folder called pages.


Develop a home page, which will be the Home component and will be associated with the / path.

The component file on this page will be:

  • pages/Home/index.js

The code for this files are:

import React from 'react';

export default ()=> {
return (


Develop an example content page, which will be the Info component and will be associated with the /info path.

The component file on this page will be:

  • pages/Info/index.js

The code for this files will be:

import React from 'react';

export default ()=> {
return (

To carry out the navigation of the developed pages, components of the type Link must be added in the Menu that point to the referring address.

The Route components that associate the address to the referring page component should also be added.

For this reason, the return of the App component should be structured as πŸ‘‡:

  return (
<Menu mode="horizontal">
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<Link to="/info">Info</Link>
<Route path="/info">
<Route path="/">


ReactJS with React Router it is possible to define multiple pages and perform navigation between them.

In the other hand, Ant.Design helps to build the structure of the page and offers several useful components to build complex interfaces.